
  1. Kevin Palmer Photography – This is my personal photography website where I sell night sky, landscape, and nature pictures.
  2. Spaceweather – Spaceweather has information about the aurora and other current astronomical events.
  3. Solar Ham – Solar Ham has the most up to date information about the aurora, solar flares, and geomagnetic storms.
  4. Earth Sky – Earth Sky has articles about current astronomical events and how to see them.
  5. Comet Chasing – Here you’ll find information about comets that are currently visible along with finder charts.
  6. Stellarium – This free software lets you visualize what the sky will look like at any time from any place.
  7. Clear Dark Sky – Find a detailed astronomy forecast for over 4500 locations across North America.
  8. The World at Night – Here you’ll find a collection of amazing night sky pictures from across the globe.
  9. Into the Night Blog – On this blog by photographer Royce Bair, you’ll find tips for photographing the milky way.
  10. International Dark Sky Association – They have information about light pollution, its effects, and how to reduce it.
  11. Night Sky Network – NASA provides a listing of astronomy clubs across the United States.

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