[Updated 2024]

It was long overdue, but this map has now been updated with more recent light pollution information. The years 2006, 2016, 2020, and 2022 can all be selected on the map. When comparing year to year, sadly the trend is not good for stargazers. Truly dark skies are harder to find than ever. But they’re still worth the effort to see. Hopefully this map will continue to help you find the best dark sites for stargazing.
How to Use This Map
This version of the map is embedded on the same page instead of opening in a separate page. If you were redirected here from the old webpage, please update your bookmarks. Open/exit full screen mode
Zoom in
Zoom out
Create custom link centered on coordinates. Tap this before bookmarking or sharing.
Select map base layer/light pollution year. Enable/disable dark site markers.
Search for a location. On mobile you may have to hold for a second before typing.
Opacity slider for light pollution overlay

Thanks to David Lorenz for processing the newer satellite data.
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