Quick Facts
- Zenithal Hourly Rate: 100
- Peak Date: August 12
- Source: Comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle
- Speed: 37 miles (59km) per second
- 2025 Rating: ★★☆☆☆
The Perseids are one of the most beloved annual astronomical events. In absolute meteor numbers, they come in 2nd place. But the time of year is what gives Perseids an edge. Nights in mid-August are more likely to be warm and clear. Many people are already outside camping and enjoying the end of summer. If you’ve never seen a meteor shower before, then the Perseids are a great one to start with. If you can only stay up late one night per year, this is the night. Even though the Geminids are #1, it takes a hardcore meteor observer to go out on a long, cold December night.
The source of this annual meteor shower is Comet Swift-Tuttle. Though it was ‘discovered’ in 1862, it was first observed by the Chinese as early as 69 BC. The orbital period brings it around the Sun about every 133 years. The last return was in December 1992 and it will next reach perihelion in July 2126. What is unusual about this comet is that it’s in a 1:11 orbital resonance with the planet Jupiter. For every 11 orbits of Jupiter, the comet completes 1 orbit. The estimated diameter is about 16 miles (26km). A dusty trail of debris is left behind by the comet. When Earth encounters this trail of small particles, they burn up in the atmosphere, creating the Perseid meteor shower.
Numbers and Speed
At the high end, Perseids may produce up to 100 meteors per hour. Outburst years sometimes double those numbers. 2028 may bring a full Perseid meteor storm. These meteors have a fast speed of about 37 miles per second. Perseids often produce bright fireballs and leave glowing trails behind known as ‘persistent trains.’ When Perseids first start flying in late July they are often mixed with Delta Aquariid meteors. The peak of the meteor shower may occur anytime from August 11-13, and it’s not always easy to predict. Sometimes the timing gives one hemisphere (Eastern or Western) a better show than the other. The night before and after the peak may see about half as many meteors. But even then that’s still better than any other meteor shower beside the Geminids. The radiant’s location high in the sky means most of Earth will catch a view. Only the far southern latitudes miss out.
Like all meteor showers, the Perseids are named for the radiant that they appear to originate from. This radiant is on the edge of the constellation Perseus, bordering Cassiopeia and Camelopardalis. The higher the radiant rises in your sky, the higher the meteor rate will be. Perseus will be at its highest in the northeastern sky before dawn. It is not necessary to know exactly where the radiant is because meteors may appear anywhere in the sky. In fact meteors closer to the radiant will have shorter trails due to foreshortening. Unlike sporadic meteors, the trails can always be traced back towards Perseus.
This Year
2025 will be a challenging year for viewing Perseids. On the predicted peak night of August 12-13 the 82% waning gibbous moon will rise around 10PM and stay up all night long. Even though moonlight will hide the fainter meteors, the brighter ones will still show through. If you go out, try to keep the moon behind you and look in the opposite side of the sky. Meteors may be visible at reduced numbers anywhere from July 14th – September 1st.
Viewing Tips
- Get to the darkest skies you can. Light pollution will drown out all but the brightest of meteors. Use the light pollution map or dark site list to find a viewing spot near you.
- Let your eyes adjust to the darkness. The longer you look the more stars and fainter meteors you’ll see. Any bright lights or phone screens will hinder your view. A dim red flashlight or headlamp is best for getting around without bumping into anything.
- Turn off your headlights as soon as you park your car. Be considerate if other stargazers are around so you don’t ruin their view.
- A beach chair or camping chair that reclines will be the most comfortable. Otherwise laying flat on the ground on a blanket is fine. You want to take in as much sky as possible so you don’t miss anything.
- Bring warm clothes. You start to feel cold fast when you’re not moving.
- Hot chocolate or coffee is helpful for staying awake.
- Be patient. Meteors are often spaced unevenly. Sometimes 10 minutes may pass without seeing any and then suddenly there are 10 in a single minute.
- Head over to How to Photograph a Meteor Shower for more photography tips
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